GRAA launches a Ranger Training Bursary Fund
The GRAA has identified a need for more specialized and focused training amongst Africa's rangers and in response to this launched a Ranger Training Bursary Fund.
For this reason the GRAA has decided to start a bursary fund where candidates can apply for a training bursary on motivation in order to address specific issues. Such training can range from basic field ranger training to post-graduate studies – whatever addresses a specific need best.
This fund was launched at the GRAA Golf Day and Fund-raising Auction at the Wanderers Golf Club in Johannesburg on the 4th October 2013. This event was kindly sponsored by Toyota South Africa. Proceeds will go towards the setting up of this fund and will make a direct contribution towards ensuring that Africa's rangers receive the training they deserve.
Objective of the fund
The principal objective of the fund is to financially assist students who wish to enter, or who already attend a GRAA approved educational establishment, to study towards or further a career in conservation and/or protected area management. This ties into one of the core objectives of the GRAA as laid out in its constitution as follows:
'Ensure that Game Rangers are adequately trained and equipped to carry out their primary responsibility of maintaining the integrity of wilderness areas, protected areas and other natural areas in which they work'.
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The Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA) has identified the need for more specialized and focused training amongst Africa’s rangers.