What can you do to support Africa's rangers?
African Rangers have to work in remote wilderness areas under harsh conditions where communication is a serious challenge and resource support is extremely scarce.
These Rangers make enormous sacrifices and regularly place their lives at risk in ensuring the integrity and conservation of Africa's protected areas.
The Game Rangers' Association of Africa believes that rangers are the heroes of the conservation effort and deserve your support.
Why you should support Africa's rangers?
- Supporting rangers is supporting species, habitats, ecosystems and communities in Africa.
- Rangers form the ‘thin green line’ protecting our natural heritage, they are our last line of defence.
- Without well trained, supported and adequately equipped rangers, conservation efforts in Africa are doomed.
How can you help?
- Spread the word about the work rangers do and need to support them.
- Join the Game Rangers' Association of Africa as a 'supporter' member.
- Volunteer your skills in support of rangers.
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