Founded in 1970, the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA) is a non-profit organisation which is the oldest, largest and most representative ranger association in Africa.
Our vision is supporting African Rangers with the necessary capability and support to ensure the protection, conservation and, where possible, restoration of Africa's biodiversity and the continued existence of its wilderness, protected and natural areas for the benefit of present and future generations.
To benefit Africa's Rangers by providing networks, representation and ensuring they have the necessary capability and support to perform their duties.
The objectives of the Association are to:
- ensure that Rangers are adequately supported, trained and equipped to carry out their primary responsibility of maintaining the integrity of wilderness, protected and natural areas in which they work;
- represent present and past Rangers and their interests to ensure best practice, understanding and credibility of the profession;
- facilitate the establishment and maintenance of contact and communication between Rangers, past and present in Africa for the benefit of conservation practice through shared learning;
- affiliate with other organisations which share common goals, ethics and objectives;
- actively promote support for the Association;
- manage the affairs of the Association so as not to carry on any profit making activities not relating to its objectives, or to participate in any business, profession or occupation carried on by its members, or to provide financial assistance, premises, continuous services or facilities to its members for the purpose of carrying on any business, profession or occupation by them;
- ensure that the activities of the Association will be carried on with the sole purpose of promoting its objectives.
Learn more about the GRAA English